发布时间: 2006-04-01 00:00 查看: 6314次
【提要】 本文通过对原型观测资料的初步分析,了解到热电厂贮灰场中灰水沟槽的位置及其断面类型、灰水水力特性及悬移灰级配的沿程变化,还讨论了冲填的贮灰场地形特征。
【关键词】 粉煤灰 冲填地形 测量
【Abstract】 Through preliminary analysis on prototype observation data the position of ditch, the type of cross section, hydraulic characteristics and grain composition of flyash are understood. The topography of filled flyash field is also discussed.
【Key words】 flyash filled topography survey
【提要】 本文通过对原型观测资料的初步分析,了解到热电厂贮灰场中灰水沟槽的位置及其断面类型、灰水水力特性及悬移灰级配的沿程变化,还讨论了冲填的贮灰场地形特征。
【关键词】 粉煤灰 冲填地形 测量
【Abstract】 Through preliminary analysis on prototype observation data the position of ditch, the type of cross section, hydraulic characteristics and grain composition of flyash are understood. The topography of filled flyash field is also discussed.
【Key words】 flyash filled topography survey
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