发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00 查看: 7406次
中图分类号:P62 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-8524(1999)03-0027-03
Application of Shallow Earthquake Reflection and High Density
Electrical Surveying in engineering Detection
LI Xin-jian
(Hunan Electric Power Design Institute,Changsha 41007)
Abstract:In the Geophysical of the dam collapse of the secend ash yard of Jin zhu shan Power Plant,adopting the synthetic method of shallow earthquake reflection and high density electrical surveying,we have taken better applicating effect and detected the hidden trouble part of dam.
key words:shallow earthquake reflection;high density electrical surveying;powder coal ash
中图分类号:P62 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-8524(1999)03-0027-03
Application of Shallow Earthquake Reflection and High Density
Electrical Surveying in engineering Detection
LI Xin-jian
(Hunan Electric Power Design Institute,Changsha 41007)
Abstract:In the Geophysical of the dam collapse of the secend ash yard of Jin zhu shan Power Plant,adopting the synthetic method of shallow earthquake reflection and high density electrical surveying,we have taken better applicating effect and detected the hidden trouble part of dam.
key words:shallow earthquake reflection;high density electrical surveying;powder coal ash
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