发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00 查看: 3803次
南国立 杨永超 王渝东 周长军 陈秋芬 权培丰
关键词 注水井 封堵技术 封堵剂 效果分析 中原油田
中图分类号:TE357.8;TE3583; 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006―768X(1999)06―0033―05
Plugging macropores in Zhongyuan Oilfield
YANG Yong-chao,WANG Yu-dong, ZHOU Chang-jun,
CHEN Qiu-fen,QUAN Pei-feng
(Oil Production Plant,Zhongyuan Oilfield,Fan county,Henan 457532,China)
Abstract:With development of waterflood decelopment in Zhongyuan Oilfield,macropores are widely existed,production decrease is accelerated annually.Through analysis of geologic features of Zhongyuan Oilfield,macropore plugging technique is studied,and matching techniques are formed,such as PI decision technique,tagged-agent reservoir monitoring technique,multi-slug plugging technique,separate-layer pluiging technique and operation technology. In this paper,each technique is expounded in detail. Meanwhile,plugging agents of macropore plugging are studied, And lime slurry plugging agent,cement compound plugging agent,fly ash plugging agent,pulp exhausts plugging agent,F917 resin plugging agent,WT-Ⅱ plugging agent and hydrochloric acid-sodium silicate profile control agent are developed.These plugging agents have apparent effects on plugging macropores and have got good results after application in field.
Key words:water injection well,plugging technique,plugging agent,result analysis,Zhongyuan Oilfield
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