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发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00    查看: 3308
关键词 势能化,固化势,塑化势,免疫势,协同特征参量
中图法分类号 TU 5


(Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences)
Liao Xin
(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University)

ABSTRACT From the standpoint of potential energy and the properties of concrete which are desired in engineering,the definitions for the plastic potential, consolidation potential and immunization potential of fly ash in concrete, and the mathematical expressions for the cooperation characteristics of fly ash mortar or concrete materials, are given in this paper. Then, with graphic method, the tentative study is carried in terms of potentialization on the quality grade of fly ash and the application of the technology concerning the mutual addition of fly ash and admixtures into concrete.
KEY WORDS potentialization, plastic potential, consolidation potential, immunization potential, characteristic parameter of cooperation


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