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发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00    查看: 3315
    付勇坚 肖秋国 刘小波

  以工业废渣煤矸石、粉煤灰及风化页岩为主要原料研制成烧结砖,具有较明显的社会效益和经济效益。介绍了原料的性能、配方组成、工艺、产品性能;指出选用粘结剂,采用高压真空挤出成型工艺可提高半成品干燥强度;烧成升温速度在300 ℃以前以50~80 ℃/h,300 ℃以后以100 ℃/h左右为宜。
  关键词:煤矸石 粉煤灰 风化页岩 烧结砖

  Abstract:The developed sintered brick made from gangue and fly ash as industrial wastes as well as weathered shale as main raw materials has obviously social and economic benefits. This paper introduces performance of raw materials, formula composition, production process and product performance. It points out that the high pressure vacuum extruded forming process with selected glue can increase the dry strength of semi-product. The sintering temperature boostings of 50~80 ℃/h before 300 ℃ and 100 ℃/h after 300 ℃ are proper.
  Keywords:gangue, fly ash, weathered shale, sintered brick


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