发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00 查看: 3469次
孙家瑛 陈志源 吴初航 陈建祥
中图分类号:TU528 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-3046(1999)04-17
Influence of Silica Fume Coated Aggregate on Properties of Road
Concrete With Adding Flyash
Sun Jiaying
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 200031)
Chen Zhiyuan
(Tongji University,Shanghai 200092 China)
Wu Chuhang
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 200031)
Chen Jianxiang
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 200031)
Abstract:The effect of coating aggregate surface with silica fume on improving the properties of road concrete is researched in this paper.The results show that the flexural strength of road concrete with coating aggregate surface with silica fume enhances 20%,brittleness coefficient decreases 30% and abrasion resistance increases 15% compared with concrete with adding silica fume.It is discussed and analyzed the mechanism of enhancing the properties of road concrete with silica fume coated aggregate.
Key words:silica fume coated aggregate;properties of road concrete;brittleness;abrasion resisttance;flexural strength▲
中图分类号:TU528 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-3046(1999)04-17
Influence of Silica Fume Coated Aggregate on Properties of Road
Concrete With Adding Flyash
Sun Jiaying
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 200031)
Chen Zhiyuan
(Tongji University,Shanghai 200092 China)
Wu Chuhang
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 200031)
Chen Jianxiang
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 200031)
Abstract:The effect of coating aggregate surface with silica fume on improving the properties of road concrete is researched in this paper.The results show that the flexural strength of road concrete with coating aggregate surface with silica fume enhances 20%,brittleness coefficient decreases 30% and abrasion resistance increases 15% compared with concrete with adding silica fume.It is discussed and analyzed the mechanism of enhancing the properties of road concrete with silica fume coated aggregate.
Key words:silica fume coated aggregate;properties of road concrete;brittleness;abrasion resisttance;flexural strength▲
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