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发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00    查看: 3061
  关键词 分形;X射线小角散射;粉煤灰水泥浆体;抗压强度
  中图号 TU528.2

Study on Fractal Structure of Fly Ash-Cement Pastes

Jiang Linhua
(College of Civil Engineering,Hohai Univ.,Nanjing 210098)
Zhu Weihua
(Dept.of Mathematics and Physics,Hohai Univ.,Nanjing 210098)
Xia Songyou
(College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering,Hohai Univ.,Nanjing 210098)

Abstract In this paper,a method to determine the fractal dimension of pore-solid interface in porous solid materials by the small angle X-ray scattering(SAXS) is introduced.This method is also used to determine the fractal structure of fly ash-cement pastes.Experimental results show that fly ash-cement pastes have surface fractal structure characteristics.In addition,the relationship between the fractal dimension and compressive strength is approached.
Key words fractal;SAXS;fly ash-cement pastes;compressive strength



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