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发布时间: 2006-04-02 00:00    查看: 4029
    张世贤 周 涛 王志全

关键词: 高钙粉煤灰; 细度; 安定性; 激发剂
中图法分类号: TQ172.7

Experimental Research of Using High-Calcium Fly Ash Produ ced Fly Ash Cement

Zhang Shixian Zhou Tao Wang Zhiquan

Abstract: Studied the influence of the fineness of the ceme nt with high-calcium fly ash and active agent on the physical properties. The r esults showed that the flexible and compressive strengths at different ages and stability of the cement with high-calcium fly ash increased with the increasing of cement fineness and the adding of active agent, which accelerated the hydrat ion of the cement minerals and f-CaO. By using 525# clinker, in the case that adding 30% high-calcium fly ash and 1% active agent, 425# high-calcium fly ash cement with 340~400 m2/kg specific surface area can be stably produced .
Key words: high-calcium fly ash; fineness; stability;  active agent
Zhang Shixian: Postgraduate, Postgraduate Department,WUT,W uhan 430070 ,China.


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